There will be 4 recycling stations throughout the fairgrounds that need 2 volunteers per station per shift. The stations will be located by Dorton Arena, the Midway, the Green NC booth and by the Village of Yesteryear. The shifts will be 3 hours each starting at 10AM and ending at 10PM. Volunteers will NOT need to haul or sort recyclables but will be asked to communicate with the public about sorting their recyclables from regular trash. Volunteers will be given: 1. A worker day pass to get into the fair for free to work their shift, 2. A parking pass (if you sign up to work 2, 3 hour shifts - they do not need to be consecutive shifts) , 3. Fair t-shirt, and 4. Gloves. Keep in mind, parking is very limited and using the Park and Ride may still be your best option to get to the fairgrounds. Bus passes may be available.
If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this form ( with the preferred days and times you can work, along with the location you would like to be stationed at. NC DPPEA will contact you closer to the event to confirm your date, time and station.