Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chris Jordan Photo Art

We all hear a lot of numbers regarding consumption that are supposed to wow us, but it can be hard to comprehend what the numbers really mean. Enter Chris Jordan - a photographic artist whose work allows our left brain and right brain to communicate and actually comprehend the enormity of the issue. Take Plastic Cups from Running the Numbers: An American Self Portrait, for example. From afar it looks like a funky, modern work that we might expect hanging on the wall in an art museum. Take a closer look, however, and you'll see that the funky, swirly lines are actually made up of plastic cups, 1 million of them to be exact, the number used on US airline flights every 6 hours. Jordan is able to stun the viewer over and over as he looks at cell phones, paper bags, aluminum cans, batteries and more. What I find most interesting is that each work is preceded by a title telling you what you are looking at, how many of them there are and what time period that represents. Even so, as one scrolls through the 3 versions of each piece, zooming in closer and closer, it is the visual depiction that is so stunning. Maybe all statistics should be accompanied by visuals such as this! Check it out for yourself at

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