Friday, February 1, 2008

Land of Greenwash Confusion

Check out the MSNBC special on greenwashing featuring Grist's Katharine Wroth. Find out why "green" and "natural" might not be very reliable buzz words to go by. According to Katharine, labels that do have meaning behind them include USDA Organic, EnergyStar, Green Seal Certified and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). There are also several reliable Web sites suggested for more information that won't try and pull the green wool over your eyes. These include, the Responsible Purchasing Network and the Cosmetics Database. If nothing else, you get to hear a clip of the Genesis classic Land of Confusion. Check it out!

1 comment:

GreenWashAlert said...

Saw a similar story on Business Week TV over the weekend. The music wasn't as good, but they seemed to go into more detail. Found it online at --